Seven Billion human beings on the planet today, and growing. When I was a kid there was less than three billion, yes it was a while ago. The point is, people being born today can expect the population to double in their lifetime. Fourteen billion when the little one’s of today become the retirees of tomorrow. How on earth, no pun intended, do Australians believe they can hang on to an island continent that only twenty million people inhabit and only forty million, if we use the double in a life time equation, when the planet will be holding fourteen billion! It can’t be done. Get a grip, make a plan and expect the hordes to come, at least be ready. Don’t expect narrow thinking politicians to tell you about this, their life expectancy is three years at best, eleven if extraordinary, and that extraordinary is tenacity and political will. In other words, steady as she sinks.
Australia needs to be a Republic so we can have our own identity. We need a constitutional bill of rights and a decent constitution that is governed by the rule of law. Separation of church and state.